Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018



The foundation of the Aligato 2.0 platform on the blockchain will ensure safety, stability and transparency at a level not covered by the solutions available so far. Pay through Eye payment systems, which operate through ordinary cameras on smartphones or computers, will also strengthen buyer security.

Artificial intelligence will facilitate shopping, searching for items and any interaction with the platform. Autonomous delivery drones automate the final stage of product delivery to customers, and the entire system will be based on existing infrastructure. Therefore the introduction will not be long term.

The vision set out here is not a distant future. The Aligato team is in the process of developing appropriate technological, logistical and legislative solutions. Some parts have been patented.

  • Artificial Intelligence Implementation
  • Innovative logistics solution
  • Professional support team
  • Globalization
  • Our mission
  • Our destination
  • Our value
  • Application of Artificial Intelligence Learning will enable us to ensure user comfort and maximum time savings.

This system will facilitate the sales process and purchase process. This will remember client preferences and adjust offers for their individual needs. This will also help in publishing sales bids and auctions: when you enter some basic parameters, it will suggest how to optimize your offer and adjust it to suit your perfect vision.



Our vision is to make life easier by providing unique pioneering solutions that enable the achievement of the latest technology, while maintaining a universal and proven method where they function without problems.

This vision includes the creation of new generation auctions and commercial platforms based on blockchain technology, where decentralized data significantly increases the security of stored data, and multi-node verification only guarantees one version of truth.


Blockchain technology has the potential to solve many problems that not only the e-commerce industry struggles with at some level of function. It has often been proven that the e-commerce business model that is currently functioning is inadequate, and its lack of evolution may have negative consequences for all these market participants around the world - for example, theft of data last year from the Equifax website took more than 143 million Americans.

Existing companies experience more difficulties by explaining the details of supply sources or hidden costs of a product or service.


One of the main assumptions of the fully functional Aligato 2.0 platform is the creation of an autonomous drone delivery system. This system operates on the B2C line (business toconsumer) and C2C (consumer-to-consumer), sending shipments of up to one hundred kilograms to the customer's door.

The system created will be autonomous and collision free. To ensure optimal conditions for possible flying drones, existing real estate infrastructure will be used. Each selected location / relocation point will have its own 'transmission station', which will be integrated with the coinomat. In addition, the "Drone Link" system will allow you to physically take over delivery in the event of a technical problem or drone failure.


Service simplicity, especially from a technical point of view, is important to us, therefore, we plan Aligato to be a very intuitive platform. Users, starting working with our platform, will be guided by an automated management system. At the same time, this system will observe user behavior and learn to work with them.

The AI ​​system will also be responsible for automating the sales system through suggestions generated based on previous user interactions with it. Depending on your preferences, the process can be done manually or with the help of AI.


One of the most innovative technological aspects of this project is the implementation of Pay through Eye payment systems for their needs, namely, transaction approval by scanning irises.

When you look closer to the human iris, you can see unique line and fold settings. Even for the same person, this system will be different for each eye. The most important feature of the iris related to the verification method or payment is its inability from time to time. Thanks to this, the iris can act as biometric security.

Our team plans to implement PvE technology using the right algorithms from existing devices, creating their own scanners to run PvE as one of the payment methods available on the Aligato platform. What's more, to increase transaction security, payments with PvE will require additional authorization (2FA) - it can be in the form of an SMS with a code, Google Authenticator or a predetermined PIN.


AligatoCoin tokens are made with the ERC20 standard on the Ethereum network

Name of Token: AligatoCoin
  • Token Symbol: ALC
  • Platform: Ethereum (ERC20)
  • Distribution Process: ALC Tokens will be sent once the ICO has been closed
  • Cryptocurrency Unit (Token) Price: 1 ALC = 0.50 USD
  • Minimum Amount of Purchase Cryptocurrency Token: 1 ALC

Pre-ICO Opened on: 20.04.2018 (12:00 CET)
Pre-ICO Closes at: 29.07.2018 (12:00 CET)
ICO Opened at: 30.07.2018 (12:00 CET)
ICO Closes on: 30.08.2018 (12:00 CET)
Soft Cap: 1,000,000 ALC
Purpose: 35,000,000 ALC
Maximum Cryptocurrency Registration Volume (Hard Cap): 70,000,000 ALC
Investor Protection: If the Minimum Purpose is not reached, the funds will be repaid to the investor after the ICO is closed
Maximum Cryptocurrency Supply: 100,000,000 ALC
Token Distribution: Aligato 30%; crowdfunding investors 70%
Payment Methods: BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGECOIN, ATB, Aligato.pl (PLN & USD)


ALIGATOCOIN is a good ICO program.
Think business is quite fantastic. This attracts people regularly.
Experienced and skilled cooperation is difficult to achieve.
We can build the ability to achieve goals.


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