Rabu, 26 September 2018



CC head.PNG
Imagine the integration of Blockchain, E-Sports and VR in the very popular and lucrative car race gaming industry. No doubt, it will evolve this industry, thereby gaming its right standing. No doubt, it is has been possible before now to buy gaming items online to enhance your gaming experience, however, reselling your purchased items for real money is almost impossible. This means that, as a gamer, your ownership rights are limited by game producers as these producers have the right to take back the rights of gamers. An act of selling your purchased gaming items for money can lead to a ban from the game and this shouldn’t be so. Gamers should have the freedom to resell whatever gaming item they purchased. However, based on the benefits that ERC721 compliant, non-fungible tokens bring to the gaming industry, car race games that are based on blockchain can be controlled by the gamer. In other words, your gaming assets can be resold, rented out, or moved to another game provided it is supported. The ability to transfer gaming assets will enable CryptoCarz users to convert their assets to money as well as exchange items they are tired of using on a certain platform for items on another platform which they are interested in (provided it is supported). This is absolutely unique right? Yes, it is. ERC721 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain will enable CryptoCarz users to own individual digital assets, just like physical ones. This Blockchain Studios project is one that will truly revolutionize the car race gaming industry, thus driving increased adoption and engagement in the gaming industry.
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It is important to know that the CryptoCarz project is a joint venture between partners who are established in their respective fields: Diginex, Shadow Factory, and Active Genes. To race in the CryptoCarz multi-player, VR-enabled gaming platform, users must own a car modelled and stored as an ERC721 Ethereum token in their private wallet. Once done, the car is loaded into the game through integration with MetaMask and other CryptoCarz tools. Note that, at the beginning, the CryptoCarz platform will have 20 car models that represent the top digital currencies and each car model will have 650 units maximum and will be clearly defined in the smart contract. Where Cryptocarz stands out is the fact that cars will initially be sold through its website, and after some time, users will be able to trade their cars freely on a marketplace set aside for that. The idea of combining cars, gaming and cryptocurrency would be unique and groundbreaking, hence the CryptoCarz project. I, urge you to visit the website https://www.cryptocarz.io/ or read the whitepaper for extensive details on this unique project https://www.cryptocarz.io/assets/docs/CryptoCarz_WP.pdf . I, urge you to not miss out on this token sale as it is unique and holds a lot of promise.
After pre-development of CryptoCarz, development will begin and will be released in 3 stages. The complete stages are:
• Phase 00: Pre-Development
  • Technical Foundation
  • Car Design
  • Smart Contract Development
    • Phase 01: Walk (This stage will run for 3 months)
  • Marketplace for Cars
  • Car Components
  • Test Track
    • Phase 02: Drive (This stage will run for 3 months)
  • Single Track Time Trial
  • Additional Components
  • Marketplace for Components
    • Phase 03: Race (This stage will run for 6 – 8 moths)
  • Online Multi-Player
  • Content Creation
  • Multi-platform and VR
This project is absolutely unbeatable. You do not want to miss out on it. Make haste now and participate in the token sale event before it is over so as to become a part of something exciting and profitable.
Should you require more information on this project or want to connect with other unique participants across the globe, please feel free to click on any of the following inks:
Website: https://www.cryptocarz.io/
ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3405109.0
Whitepaper: https://www.cryptocarz.io/assets/docs/CryptoCarz_WP.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptocarz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cryptocarz
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptocarz

Author : ranran pratama
Eth : 0x23D05112B5EAB85099649b7d9de9b131b47AC423

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