Kamis, 28 Februari 2019



Grüße an alle Liebhaber Kryptowährung unsere sehr geliebt, dieses Mal werden wir an dem Projekt beteiligt sind sehr vielversprechend in unserem Geschäft in der Schaffung eines gesunden Ökosystem , in dem Prominente leicht die Mittel zugreifen können qualitativ hochwertige Inhalte zu erstellen, VANM  ist eine lokale Suchmaschine für Produkte und Services, die auf Echtzeitanzeigenangebote und -anfragen mit Nutzern in der Nähe abgestimmt sind. Die Blockchain-Technologie wird in VANM zur Verteilung der Werbeeinnahmen unter den Nutzern eingesetzt. Mit VANM.io wird eine Werbeplattform geschaffen, die zu 100% sicher und transparent ist, Werbebetrug begrenzt und Werbemöglichkeiten für Tausende einflussreicher Personen und Marken auf der ganzen Welt schafft.
Das Ziel von Vanm.io ist es, ein gesundes Ökosystem aufzubauen, in dem Prominente problemlos auf Fonds zugreifen können, um qualitativ hochwertige Inhalte zu erstellen. Werbetreibende haben Zugriff auf eine Fülle von Informationen. Relevanter und effektiver, um Verbraucher und Verbraucher anzuziehen, wird Zugang zu den qualitativ hochwertigen Inhalten haben, die sie wollen.
Das Ziel von Vanm.io  ist es, ein gesundes Ökosystem aufzubauen, in dem Prominente problemlos auf Fonds zugreifen können, um qualitativ hochwertige Inhalte zu erstellen. Werbetreibende haben Zugriff auf eine Fülle von Informationen. Relevanter und effektiver, um Verbraucher und Verbraucher anzuziehen, wird Zugang zu den qualitativ hochwertigen Inhalten haben, die sie wollen.

Das Problem

  • Traditionelle digitale Werbung hat an Rand verloren. Pop-ups werden von den Verbrauchern weitgehend ignoriert oder blockiert.
  • Effektive digitale Werbung steht nicht zur Verfügung und ist für kleine Unternehmen nicht effektiv, um lokale Fokusgruppen zu erreichen.
  • Der lokale Einzelhandelsmarkt wird aufgrund des Wettbewerbs durch E-Commerce-Plattformen immer enger


  • Alle Benutzer greifen bei Bedarf in Echtzeit auf Suchmaschinen für Angebote, Veranstaltungen und lokale Angebote zu.
  • 50% der Werbeeinnahmen werden mit den Nutzern geteilt.
  • Lokale Märkte können durch gezielte Werbung die Kundenwahrnehmung für niedrigere Marktkosten beanspruchen.
  • Lokale Märkte werden gestärkt, indem die Kunden sensibilisiert werden.
  • Benutzerdaten werden anonymisiert und nur mit Zustimmung der entsprechenden Vergütung ausgewertet.

Vorteile der VANM-Dezentralisierungsplattform

  • Ermöglicht angemessene Ausgaben für lokale Werbung, um kleinen Unternehmen zu helfen, die potenziellen Kunden stark ausgesetzt sind.
  • Jeder kann auf unbegrenzte P2P-Werbenetzwerke zugreifen, um die Bekanntheit der Geschäftsmodelle zu steigern, die zuvor nicht beworben wurden
  • Unternehmen können von intelligenten Algorithmen profitieren, die das Kaufverhalten potenzieller Kunden mit ihren jeweiligen lokalen Ausschreibungen verknüpfen und dabei die Privatsphäre der Nutzer respektieren.
  • den Kunden volle Kreditwürdigkeit für personalisierte Werbung zukommen lassen und gleichzeitig die Privatsphäre der Benutzer und die Datenintegrität der Benutzer erhalten
  • Schnelle Transaktionen und Transparenz durch Verwendung der Blockchain-Technologie

Das Unternehmen wird Token offen in zwei Schritten verkaufen:

  1. Der Vorverkauf beginnt am 17. November 2018 um 00:00 UTC und endet am 31. Dezember 2018 um 00:00 UTC. Wenn alle VANM-Token für den Vorverkauf bestimmt sind, werden 24.000.000 Stück verkauft, je nachdem, was zuerst eintritt . Token, die während des Verkaufs nicht verkauft wurden, werden in den Haupt-Ico verschoben.
  2. Crowdsale wird am 1. Januar 2019 um 00:00 UTC beginnen und am 1. Mai 2019 um 19:00 UTC enden oder wenn alle 144 Millionen VANM-Token verkauft werden, je nachdem, was zuerst eintritt. Token, die nicht während Crowdsale verkauft werden, bleiben Eigentum der Firma.

VANM Token

VANM-Token sind ERC20-Token, die sich auf der Blockkette Ethereum befinden. Letzteres funktioniert so, dass der Wert im Netzwerk schnell, sicher und fast unprätentiös übertragen wird. Insgesamt wurden 240.000.000 VANM-Token produziert. Mit diesem Betrag ist es möglich, das erwartete Transaktionsvolumen zu schließen. Die Verteilung der Token sieht wie folgt aus:
Die Verteilung der ursprünglichen Token wurde so gestaltet, dass 60% aller Token direkt an die Community verkauft werden. Ziel ist es, Token möglichst dezentral zu verteilen. Es ist zu beachten, dass die Kosten für das Team (10%) gemäß dem Smart-Vertrag für zwei Jahre gesperrt werden   . Die Vorverkaufsphase wird am 30.12.2014 geschlossen und der öffentliche Verkauf beginnt am 01.01.1999 und wird rund 4 Monate dauern. Sie können teilnehmen, indem Sie eine Verbindung mit der Projektwebsite  https://www.vanm.io/de/token-sale/token-sale-registration/ herstellen  .

Das Team

VANM ICO-Informationen
Token: VANM
PreICO-Preis: 1 VANM = 0,00038 ETH
Preis: 1 VANM = 0,0005 ETH
Bonus: Verfügbar
Plattform: Ethereum
Erhalten: ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC
Harte Kappe: 64350 ETH
Land: Deutschland
Die folgenden Kontakte und sozialen Plattformen des Projekts sind:
Telegramm:  https://t.me/VANMnew

Author : ranran pratama


How ALCEDO Platform Plans to Make Blockchain Accessible to Everybody, Everyday!

ALCEDO Platform focus on creating ecosystem that implements blockchain technologies into everyday life so everyone can gain access and increase crypto-transaction to everybody around the world. 

ALCEDO is a German based company and offer a completed global eco-system even before the start of the ICO. The first ALCEDO-Point in Germany did already open. The next one is in the planning stages. Their mission is so simple: CREATE VALUES. ALCEDO-Points with the ALCEDO-Coin will spread very quickly throughout Germany. Also, they are in aim to widespread acceptance of crypto currencies and ALCEDO-Tokens. 


ALCEDO Platform contains all functions necessary for handling any and all crypto transactions. The advantage of ALCEDO Platform is The ALCEDO Ecosystem (platform) can handle different types of crypto machines, wallet and coins. Since the system was programmed and developed by themselves, they can implement new features quickly and easily anytime. This efficiency is something that we don't find from another project. 

ALCEDO Platform contains 6 core services that give accesible and usable cryptocurrency feature to everybody. 

  1. ALCEDO Points. To enhance penetration of crypto ATM’s, ALCEDO-Points will assist customers with the help of their service team where they will offer unique approach and opportunity that customers can experience about cryptocurrency outside internet exchanges. 
  2. ALCEDO Token. The ALCEDO-Coin (ALCE) is an important part of their ecosystem related to service fees and rewards program.
  3. ALCEDO Wallet. The ALCEDO-Wallet drastically simplifies the handling of crypto currencies on the smartphone. Very simply, one can send and/or receive different coins. This Wallet is designed to work seamlessly with ALCEDO crypto machines and the ALCEDO-Platform
  4. Investment Plans. Since ALCEDO sees Crypto-Investment Plans is growing, this is part of their plan to expand from traditional investment business from Gold-Saving Plans.
  5. ALCEDO Card. ALCEDO-Cards are equipped for the first time with a built-in NFC chip and can be used at ALCEDO-ATMs and POS-Terminals. This allows customers to quickly and easily buy or sell crypto currencies. 
  6. Crypto Machines. ALCEDO already started supporting well-known Crypto-ATMs and building a network in Germany


Token Structure 

Token Name               : ALCEDO-Token

Total ALCEDO-Token : 100 000 000 ALCE
Hard-Cap                   : 40 000 000 ALCE
Project-Protocol         : first ERC20-Token
Crowd-Sale                : Dec 01, 2018
Means of Payment     : BTC, ETH, PayPal
ICO                             : 01.12 – 31.05

Sale Stages



ALCEDO Platform is really promising. Not only to expand Crypto-investment that already had but make Blockchain accessible and usable to everyone is a value that we didn't find from any other projects. This will be a Gamechanger! For more information about ALCEDO Platfom, please visit link below. 

Whitepaper: https://www.alcedoplatform.com/assets/images/Alcedo-whitepaper-eng.pdf
ICO             : http://alcedoplatform.com/
Website      : http://alcedoplatform.com/
Twitter        : https://twitter.com/CoinAlcedo
Facebook   : https://web.facebook.com/alcedoplatform?_rdc=1&_rdr

Author : ranran pratama

Selasa, 26 Februari 2019


RENTO – The Global Sharing Application

Over the past few years, the cryptocurrency markets have seen significant and unprecedented growth, with investors in the space earning huge profits. One major drawback, however, is that trading cryptocurrencies is a bit complicated and the recent influx of new projects into the market is quite overwhelming. As a result, investors that do not have the time, resources or expertise to do exhaustive research may end up making snap judgements and losing money. As such, it has become particularly important for investors to be cautious while making investments in ICOs and cryptocurrencies in general. This is because a large proportion of investors lack the knowledge to dissect projects, analyse teams or even to ascertain the authenticity of the claims made in the white paper. More so, even if these investors have the knowledge and expertise to analyse and make risk assessment for blockchain projects they may lack the time, resources, and in depth research required to make informed decision. On the other hand, there are multiple genuine cryptocurrencies and ICO projects that have viable products, and world class teams that have the ability to execute the vision and deliver revolutionary solutions within the space and this is where RENTO fits in has they have developed an application that connects business owners with clients and rental services with users. This also provides space for the development of a shared economy. Rento is creating a new eco-system enabling renting and sharing via blockchain technology.The Rento App will allow for a global network of sharing/renting promoting both business and personal use of unused devices which can now be rented or shared via this app: a very green and energy conscious concept reducing world pollution and diversifying and extending use for many possessions.
RENTO is an application that connects business owners with clients and rental services with users. This also provides space for the development of a shared economy. Why buy a rotary hammer if your neighbor has one in his garage? Why does your vacuum cleaner stay in the closet for 90% of the time if you can rent it out? Above that offering your services on Rento gives you additional income opportunities. And most importantly, why use several different applications to order, rent or share, if all your needs can be fulfilled with just ONE application? Rento is a game changer for millions of devices, books, vehicles, and other things that collect dust, not profits for their owners.
MISSION Enables people to be part of an economy of global sharing and sharing assets that are not used easily.
RENTO also makes new innovations along with the development of the world of cryptocurrency, RENTO also offers you an altcoin token that is no less sophisticated than other altcoins, even though the altcoin is new but the price value is relatively competitive in the cryptocurrency market. for further clarity, I will provide information about tokens launched by RENTO.
Everything you want just a click away
Millions of devices and products that are just lying around can be put to USE!
All your needs can be met by one interactive, intuitive App.
Profit from Rento
Find out what are the benefits of being a Rento Token holder!
We put security and safety of transactions above all else. That is why we are implementing blockchain into our system!
Cutting edge
All transactions will be done with cutting edge technology! Join us in a new era of renting and sharing.
Environment for business
We are creating a global network of business and clients. An ecosystem for the sharing economy.
Think globalACT LOCAL!
By developing possibilities for sharing, we are reducing consumption in the world. Rent out unused devices and make sure our globe is not being polluted!
Enjoy the luxury of having options. Don’t limit Yourself. Rento – freedom of choice.
About The Rento Ecosystem
The Benefits for Rento Token Holders
The lowest price for Rento tokens, which will be used as a fee on RentoBlockchain
It’s easier for ICO participants to become Rento Model Store franchise owners
The cheapest deposit for Rento Model Store Franchises
Helps share economic growth
Possibility to become a RentoShare holder, after we receive the license
After issuing Security Tokens, shareholders will receive dividends from company profits
In the modern world, when cryptocurrency is integrated into many areas of human activity, no one doubts that this technology can change the world, because it happens right before our eyes. In addition to advanced technology, a new branch of the economy, which attracts many investors.
However, because of the volatility and uncertainty of high price movements, only a few investors can manage assets well, and often bear losses. Therefore, the most urgent question now is: “How do I invest in cryptocurrency and get stable and regular income, which will not depend on current prices in the market and the latest news?”
This is a task set by the Rento team. to help investors receive stable and regular profits, without investigating the technical details of market estimates. This task is carried out by our Additional Independent Improvement Neural Network, which allows our investors to receive passive income and stop worrying about the price of Bitcoin.
I advise you to invest in RTO, for that the main requirement in investing in Rento RTO altcoin You must first register on the Rento site, press this link (https://buy.rento-app.io/login) and then you follow the registration instructions like the picture below.
The Rento App in the ecosystem is the platform where sharing of wide range of valuables, which goes beyond transportation and hospitality industries, are shared among peers and industries. Items such as cameras, hardware tools, building and construction equipment, medical equipment, household items, and many others can all be rented on the platform. The Application has features such as the Listing page, Search engine, Renting calendar, and Feedback, for platform users, while features such as Active listings, listing or advertisement details, and Customer insights are also available for item owners; all of which make usage of the App very easy and convenient.
Rento is going to develop its own blockchain with specific features that can best fit the operations on the platform. A Proof of Authority (PoA) blockchain is going to be used for all the key transactions in the Rento App to ensure high level of transparency.
The Rento Model Store is also a proposed rental store to feature a variety of assets, where users on the Rento platform can visit and make a selection of the items they would want to rent. The Model Store will have an in-person experience feature where customers can send feedbacks on the goods and services received on the platform.
Token and ICO Details
Rento token is an ERC-2O Token, set to be the utility token of the Rento ecosystem, Rento token will be used to create smart contracts, pay for rentals and also for transaction fees on the Rento platform.
Token Details
Rento token Specifications are:
Token name: Rento
Ticker Symbol: RTO
Start of public sale: 10/16/2018
End of public sale: 1/31/2018 (2/28/2018 optional)
Total supply: 600,000,000 RTO
Decimal places: 8
Token standard: ERC20
Network base: Ethereum Network
Tokens for sale: 264,000,000
Owners tokens: 305,000,000
Bounty tokens: 6,000,000
Tokens for team and advisors: 25,000,000
Price range for token sale: $0.01 – $0.12
Distribution of Funds
60% Technical Development and Team
23% Marketing and Business Development
7% Operations
3% Legal expenses
7% Reserve fund
For more information, please visit the links i have provided below;
Social media links

Author : ranran pratama

Minggu, 24 Februari 2019



Ever since its conception; blockchain has presented itself as a revolutionary technological force set out to disrupt and offer an improvement over the old paradigms which govern a vast array of industries. In doing so cryptocurrency; the lifeblood of blockchain technology, has quickly established itself as one of the fastest growing asset classes in our recent history. The opportunities blockchain technology has to offer have not gone unnoticed. This is exemplified by the ever increasing number of established- and emerging companies employing blockchain technology, as well as government bodies that are exploring its implementation on a global scale.
While the tech savvy and attentive venture capitalists have long since discovered the cryptocurrency market, there still are a lot of institutional and retail investors that have yet to enter the market. We see governments, banks, and corporations implementing block chain pilot projects, while independent users and investors are actively entering the crypto currency market. IDAP, an upcoming International Digital Asset Platform(IDAP), where one can access the diverse trading and investment instruments to participate in the ever-growing cryptocurrency market has come to place, before i proceed on this , please check out this video presentation
What is IDAP?
idap.io is an International Digital Asset Platform, which aims to provide a complete Derivatives Ecosystem for Crypto Assets, offering Futures, calendar & butterfly spreads, options, and swaps among major trading products. idap.io exchange also supports spot trading, P2P lending and ETFs.
The International Digital Assets Platform (IDAP) is the first self-contained ecosystem for the cryptocurrencies derivatives trading market. Contained within this ecosystem are the IDAP Exchange, the IDAP Desktop App with advanced trading tools and most importantly, crypto derivatives instruments by IDAP, for trading and investment. By bringing together individuals and institutions in need of risk management or with an eye at profit via risk acceptance.
The volatility of the current crypto market has made it imperative that the issue of risk management and hedging options for crypto assets be addressed without delay. Traders being free to take long and short positions and to bet in both the bull and bear run of the market, thus being able to diversify and optimise their portfolio performance, are all made possible by the introduction of a highly diverse and wide range of multiple crypto based derivatives products, including Futures, Spreads, Swaps, Options and Crypto Indices. Moreover, the trading of these above mentioned financial instruments deepens the liquidity of the market, in effect stabilising the price points of the underlying crypto assets. This is what the IDAP ecosystem for crypto derivatives market trading has exclusively been built to achieve.
Our goal is to become the most diverse crypto derivatives marketplace for buyers and sellers.
Our vision is to transform the crypto economy. We endeavor to create a secure, robust, customer centric and full-featured crypto asset market exchange that enables investors to experience numerous diversified trading and investment opportunities under a single roof.
  1. Desktop Application
    IDAP will provide its customers, the trader-friendly ‘Desktop App’ with custom features for a seamless trading experience. In conjunction with our flagship trading tool, the Desktop App, customers will also have access to our exchange via the in-browser trading app as well as mobile app. The full features list of our Desktop App includes:
  • Order entry form supporting Market, Limit, Stop-Loss, Stop-Limit, Iceberg, trailing stops, OCO, bracket and various other conditional orders.
  • Real-time market data charts supported by generic and advanced technical indicators and analysis.
  • Account and position monitoring, order book, trade history, fill book etc.
  • Custom arrangement of market data, order and trade history, positions, charts and technical tools, other data items and colourschematics.
wdesktop application.PNG2. IDAP Ladder
For the assistance of intraday and professional traders, IDAP is introducing ladder trading to crypto market. Being one of the key features of this crypto trade & exchange platform, the IDAP Ladder will enable the traders to view price action, best bid and offer, last trades’ price and quantity, total traded volume at each price, high and low market points of the day, depth of market orders and various other critical data related to trading. The IDAP ladder will allow the traders to submit, modify and cancel orders with one click (Power of Point-and-Click Trading). The IDAP ladder will also help in visualizing the relative position of correlated products, neatly displaying this data in the user dashboard.
wladder.PNG3. IDAP Matrix
The IDAP Matrix will serve as a crucial trading tool. With the IDAP Matrix, traders will be able to view market data for all contract expirations of an asset as well as market data for exchange-quoted spreads for the underlying asset, all in one window. Traders will have the ease to trade, place, modify and cancel orders directly through the IDAP Matrix.
wmatrux.PNG4. IDAP Spreader
The IDAP Spreader will allow traders to create, manage and execute synthetic spreads based on futures contract available on the IDAP exchange. Synthetic spreads are intermarket spreads, whose prices are not quoted on the exchange itself, but have to be calculated based on the underlying contracts listed on the exchange. For example, a user can create synthetic spreads of Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) through the exchange quoted spreads of BTC and ETH. This is another distinguishing feature that is unique to IDAP exchange ecosystem.
5. IDAP Simulator
Another key feature by IDAP to disrupt the crypto trading domain is the IDAP Simulator. The idea is to introduce a ‘Trading Simulator’ crafted specially for crypto trading. The only difference will be that the user will get a real- life experience of the crypto assets market without using ‘real funds.’ IDAP hopes to create a band of enthusiasts and amateur traders that can benefit from IDAP simulator and step into the real market, once they are ready.
The IDAP Simulator is ideal for those who are new to futures trading and wish to familiarize themselves with market action and trading without risking real cryptocurrency. Currently, no other crypto exchange platform is offering such a feature to enable learning for trading beginners. IDAP Simulator will replicate real-time market data and trading conditions to help users understand the market dynamics, general market behaviour and how to manage trade and associated risks. This is yet another USP of our platform for facilitating education and learning for traders, enabling them to gain virtual experience in the crypto asset trading.
IDAP is solving all the problems of the current trading crypto market and providing users diversified trading and investment instruments, advanced tools, very good customer support to resolve any query at any time and increased security to the users and their transactions. IDAP ecosystem is giving users the extended product offering which consists of the following:
  1. Spot Trading
    IDAP will provide users with spot trading for crypto coins and tokens where users can have choice of both crypto-crypto and crypto-fiat pairs. Initially pairs like BTC/Altcoin, ETH/Altcoin and IDAP/Altcoin will be offered in this ecosystem.
    IDAP will provide a user-friendly interface allowing easy Over-the-Counter (OTC) access to crypto market trading for investors. Customers will be able to avail this feature by connecting with our OTC desk to proceed further with their trade.
    IDAP will provide the feature of a lending platform within its ecosystem, where passive investors can lend their balances to others in need. In other words, it will act as a peer-to-peer (P2P) loan disbursing platform to connect lenders and borrowers. The daily lending rate will be determined by the market and lending will be done in major fiat and cryptocurrencies.
  4. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
    An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is a low cost, diversified investment vehicle that allows investors to lower risks and maximize profit potential. Bear in mind that this product is subject to license procurement by the platform. IDAP plans to offer the following ETFs in first phase.
a. Crypto Payment Coin ETF
b. Top 25 Crypto ETF
c. Top 50 Crypto ETF
IDAP will assess launching additional ETFs to allow investors to focus their investment portfolio selection through sectoral diversification. In each case, investors will benefit from the movement of the given investment index tracking the coins/tokens involved.
The selected upcoming projects will get assistance in this platform. Entrepreneurs, advisors, industry leaders and developers will provide these projects technical consultation, resources and initial funds to help them grow.
  1. IDAP Institutional Grade Matching Engine
    The matching engine supports Direct Market Access (DMA), Central Limit Order Book (CLOB), Request for Quote (RFQ), Implied Orders functionality for futures market, fast price-time priority and pro-rata Orders Matching Algorithm, industry standard FIX-based interfaces for order management, advanced conditional orders like OCO (One-Cancels-the others), Brackets, icebergs orders and more. IDAP matching engine is a blazingly fast and highly scalable order matching server with the throughput of more than 1 million transactions per second equipped with advanced risk controls.
  2. SOR And TOMS
    Increasing the number of various cryptocurrency exchanges leads to liquidity fragmentation. To tackle the issue of thin liquidity and even benefit from such a situation, IDAP will implement Smart Order Routing to choose the best prices and order distribution to manage liquidity. Smart Order Routing will be performed by IDAP’s Smart Order Routers, a system designed to analyze the order books of other exchanges and perform best possible order placement. SOR will optimize execution of trades by using advanced routing rules and algorithms when directing orders to various parties including exchange, users, and ECNs. IDAP Trade Order Management system (TOMS) will provide a high-end order management via FIX interfaces and will also make the order history database accessible
  3. Security Measures
    IDAP has identified and reviewed the industry best practices in terms of security measures and designed our platform to include top-level security features to safeguard both the client’s funds and trading operations from hostile penetration attempts. Some of the key security features include:
  • Secure cold storage with cold wallet management Cryptocurrency Security Standard (CCSS)
  • Third-party security auditing for Level 1 CCSS certified platform
  • Insurance of online/hot wallets
  • Up to 3-Factor Authentication
  • Multi-Firewall Protection
  • DDoS prevention
  • OWASP Top 10 Compliant
  • Extended Validation SSL Certificate
4.   Customer Support
Despite the boom in cryptocurrencies and enthusiasm amongst people over the past few years, crypto exchanges have been constantly reported to deliver a poor customer service. For instance, many of them fail to address general trade issues over the phone simply because there is a lack of manpower or knowledgeable employees. Moreover, during a technical malfunction, crypto exchanges suspend new account registration and fail to timely alert their customers. Eventually, they are unable to address all the inbound queries from the traders using their platform. There is a strong need for excellent customer support delivery. Therefore, IDAP has a strong focus on delivering a strong customer support 24/7. Some of the features of IDAP’s customer support plan are:Customer usability product design
  • Customer feedback has driven product improvement
  • Multiple platform support
  • Detailed FAQ section and Tutorials
  • 24/7 customer desk
IDAP token is ERC20 token based on Ethereum blockchain. It’s a utility token and is an integral part of our platform.
  1. Zero Trading fee For ICO contribution
    This is a special feature of IDAP that add values for its customer, This feature has been introduced for the first time in the crypto exchange domain. IDAP will not charge any transaction fee for our ICO participants who buy 20,000 or more tokens.
  2. Trading and Management Fees
    IDAP will charge modest trading commissions. Our tentative fees are as follows:
    a. Spot trading fee 0.05-0.10%
    b. Derivative trading fee 0.015
    c. Service fee on P2P Lending 7.5* -15%
    d. ETFs No entry fee, 2% exit fee
    e. ICO venture fund 2% Management fee
  3. 50% Discount using IDAP Token
    IDAP Tokens can be used to pay for trading commissions as well. Permanent discount of 50 percent will be applicable for
    the fee paid on all the transactions via IDAP Tokens. Also, any promotional discount will be in addition to the above mentioned 50 percent.
  4. Burning of IDAP Tokens
    IDAP will remove 20 percent of all the IDAP tokens from circulation received as trading commissions and other platform fees and will continue burning these tokens until the total supply of IDAP tokens reaches 500 million.
Token Name – IDAP
Token Type – ERC 20
Token Price – $0.03
Pre-Sale – 25 June To 24 July 2018
Crowd Sale- 7 August To 30 August 2018
Soft cap (in IDAP) – 200,000,000
Hard Cap (in IDAP) – 750,000,000
Total Supply (Fixed) – 1,000,000,000
2018-06-25 – 2018-07-24
2018-08-07 – 2018-08-30
wtoken distribution below ico.PNG
wfunds usage below token distri.PNG
Q4-2017 to Q1-2018
  • Ideation & conceptualisation of the IDAP ecosystem
  • Detailed research and analysis conducted
  • Core team built
    -Advisory board formed
  • Strategic partnerships made
  • Website launch and Lite Paper release
  • White Paper release
  • Community building
  • IDAP exchange platform development
  • Company registration in Estonia
  • Release of IDAP demo platform
  • License procurement for derivatives trading and asset management
  • Public voting for coins/tokens that will be listed on the live exchange
  • Start of token sale
  • Product architecture development and testing
  • Front-end development
  • Formation of banking partnerships for fiat integration
  • Derivatives market products testing
  • Advanced APIs integration and testing
  • IDAP Exchange marketing
  • Alpha release
  • Test run of platform features
  • Beta release of the platform
  • IDAP Exchange launched, supporting desktop, web & mobile apps
  • Listing of top voted coins/tokens on IDAP Exchange
  • Gathering of the ICO Venture Fund
  • Integration of extended product offerings
  • ETF integrated into IDAP platform
  • P2P lending functionality enabled
  • Crypto Indices integrated into IDAP platform
  • Customer feedback collection and analysis
  • IDAP’s ICO incubation services launched
  • New cryptocurrencies added to exchange listing
  • Evolved, improved and new product offerings based on customer feedback
  • Integration of live news tracking and analytics tools
The Amazing Team
The Team Advisor
For more information, please visit:
Check out this videos to learn more:

Author : ranran pratama
Eth : 0x23D05112B5EAB85099649b7d9de9b131b47AC423